Nigeria’s arts, culture, and creative economy sector has achieved remarkable global recognition. From Grammy-winning musicians and a thriving domestic TV and film production industry to iconic visual artists and Nobel Prize-winning authors, Nigerian cultural producers consistently showcase their talents and their nation on the biggest stages.
Nigeria’s government wants to supersize the potential of the creative economy for the country, and it has created a new, dedicated Ministry to do so. Minister Hannatu Musawa believes that with the right investments and policy changes, the creative economy can create 2 million quality jobs for the country’s overwhelmingly young population – while advancing Nigeria’s culture at the same time.
In order to make the right investments – and not to get in the way of the private sector – the Ministry is mapping the creative economy to understand its key dynamics and the areas with the most potential for job creation. It is also conducting a baseline study to understand the interventions that are most needed, and the sequence in which they should be deployed.
The Ministry has significant monetary resources at its disposal, including an envelope for large infrastructure projects and funding from Afrexim bank for the development of a critical Intellectual Property monetization framework. It has also started a Creative Leap Accelerator Program to support small and large entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and create jobs in film, fashion, art, music, and tourism. The mapping exercise, the baseline study, and the talent that the Minister has recruited to join the Ministry’s team will help ensure that these resources and programs are managed in a strategic manner that leads to the millions of quality jobs to which the country aspires.