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Big Win Philanthropy partners with visionary African leaders to achieve their bold aspirations for their countries, regions and cities.

Governments are the stewards of their people’s future. Governments set countries’ development trajectories and are empowered to implement them on behalf of their citizens.

The generation of African leaders in office today, at this moment of tremendous demographic and social change, has the potential to transform the continent’s future. These leaders’ priorities determine where Big Win Philanthropy works, and they are always in the driver’s seat in our partnerships. Our role is to act as a true partner, collaborating on design, providing resources and support where they are needed, and sharing honest feedback.

We seek out leaders who champion people-centered interventions where Big Win can be truly additive and that have the potential to become “big wins”. We hope that our partners’ initiatives will not only succeed on their own but will also change norms and practices beyond their country's or region’s borders.

As set out in our strategy, our ultimate goal is to work with our government partners to play a consequential role in directly transforming the prospects of 23.5 million children and young people by 2027. It is an ambitious and difficult target, but one to which we will hold ourselves accountable.   

Big Win’s founder and President, Jamie Cooper, explains the tenets of Big Win’s approach.

The Big Win Approach

Big Win Partnerships

Big Win believes national development at scale must be government-led and government-owned. We partner with leaders who are ambitious and committed to improving the lives of young people, enhancing their countries’ economic trajectories and setting precedents that extend beyond their borders.

How Big Win selects partners and prioritizes investments:

  • We work with public-sector leaders who have credible, robust, evidence-based, country-led agendas for dramatically improving the lives of their people.
  • We prioritize investments based on their alignment with our mission, their potential to scale impact, and our ability to add value.
  • We only work in countries where our support has been directly requested by the government.

How Big Win 
supports partners:

  • We provide leaders and program champions with the space and resources to clarify and hone their transformation action plans and implementation strategies.
  • We provide end-to-end implementation support, from the commissioning of baseline assessments through strategic program design, the creation of dashboards and data systems, technical assistance, resource mobilization and delivery support to address bottlenecks as they arise.
  • We make catalytic investments – often in the form of direct budget support – to build the capacity and systems leaders need to deliver on their visions.
  • We help our partners navigate the political environment, providing support with communications, branding, and stakeholder engagement, among other areas.
  • We are committed to being responsive, working quickly to resolve emerging obstacles or leveraging opportunities for greater impact as we pursue the broader strategic path.

Leadership Development

Cultivating Transformative Leadership

We foster transformative leadership as a key lever for setting and achieving countries’ aspirations; crafting strategic, politically viable action plans towards agreed goals; and disseminating best practices across the continent.

Big Win believes public leadership is key to transformational change, and we work hard to put leaders in a position to succeed by focusing on leadership development. We draw on some of the most respected, successful leaders on the continent so that office holders can brainstorm with those who have walked in their shoes.

The methods vary, but the goal of our leadership development work is always the same: To give leaders the framework, clarity and skills they need to deliver ambitious results for their people. Our leadership development initiatives include:

Forums for ministers, governors and mayors where they can hone their transformation action plans.

Cabinet workshops and prioritization sessions to put those plans in action.

Leadership exchanges to examine how other officeholders approached similar dilemmas.

Coaching and mentorship in adaptive leadership.

Building networks where like-minded leaders can engage and spur each other forward. 

Our work

Areas Where We Are Often Asked To Work

Our partners consistently identify certain areas where Big Win can meaningfully contribute to their human capital aspirations:

Early Childhood Development

Early Childhood Development

Young children who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial wellbeing become productive adults primed to fulfill their potential. Read stories



Africa is urbanizing at a speed and scale never seen in human history. Creating African cities that meet the needs of young families is both critical and timely. Read stories

Learning for Productivity

Learning for Productivity

10-12 million African youth enter the workforce every year. Learning for productivity is essential for developing the qualities and skills these young people need to become successful workers and entrepreneurs. Read stories



Stunting caused by malnutrition – often the result of complex, multi-sectoral challenges – limits children’s life chances and, where prevalent, communities’ ability to thrive. Read stories

Youth Employment

Youth Employment

Africa’s youth population is expected to double by 2050. Now is the time for strategic investments to create quality employment opportunities on a massive scale for this emerging new generation. Read stories

Guided by

Principles & Themes

Our work is guided by a set of values, principles & themes

Commitment to human development

We see children and young people as providing the underlying potential for sustainable economic growth. We support leaders to make informed investments to realize this potential, rather than focusing on short-term fixes.

Respect for government leadership

While many actors contribute to human capital development, governments are the ultimate stewards of a nation’s people. We support the vision and ambition of political leaders in developing countries and align our support with their development priorities.

Cross-ministerial collaboration

Most major social challenges require cross-sector solutions. We support collaboration between different government ministries and sectors, and we seek to forge partnerships between government, business and civil society.

Support for implementation

We believe that execution and delivery are just as important as policy and deserve equal attention and prestige. We support leaders in ensuring their programs are implemented with quality and can be course corrected as needed.

Long-term vision

Major social shifts and demographic trends are often neglected in the context of short-term political cycles. We support leaders with the integrity to care as much about societal progress as political gains.

Ambitious and scalable solutions

We seize opportunities that are strategic, scalable and have relevance beyond a specific project to be game-changing.

Evidence-led approaches

We support leaders in utilizing data to inform their priorities, refine program design, monitor outcomes, improve cost-effectiveness, measure impact and challenge orthodoxy.


Our work engages with two megatrends sweeping the African continent.

The demographic transition (which offers the possibility of a demographic dividend) and the fastest rate of urbanization in recorded history are reshaping countries’ population structures. Together, they will add a billion people to Africa’s cities over the next fifty years – creating an urgent need to act now so that these new, young urbanites are primed to thrive and to serve as the engine of their nations’ economies.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Get in touch

If you would like to learn more about our approach or how to partner with us, please get in touch. Our offices are located in Marylebone, London, England. Please contact us for directions and visitor information.

Big Win Philanthropy, Inc. (US) is a Delaware not-for-profit corporation classified as a private foundation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its mailing address is 4 Post Office Lane, Unit 388, Greens Farms, CT 06838, USA. Big Win Philanthropy (UK) is a charitable company limited by guarantee, Registered Company No. 09595920, Registered Charity No. 1162036. Its registered (not physical) address is 10 Queen Street Place, London EC4R 1BE, UK.

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